Several episodes earlier, the show also introduced a new subplot revealing that, in Titans' reality, it was Starfire who was born without powers and that her parents had stripped Blackfire of her abilities so that their firstborn daughter would be perfect. This retcon regarding how Blackfire came to Earth was one of several involving Blackfire's character and motivations. The idea that Blackfire had come to Earth in a ship rather than remotely possessing a human body flew in the face of everything that had been shown in Titans' season 2 finale.

The final scene of Titans season 2 depicted Blackfire's arrival on Earth, as she used Tamaranean technology to remotely take over the body of a young mother in a supermarket parking lot, abandoning the woman's two children and punching a random man before walking off. The first two seasons of Titans recreat ed this story, though the birth order of the sisters was changed so that Blackfire was the younger sister and Starfire was the firstborn. This instilled a murderous jealousy in Blackfire, which would eventually lead her to betray her family as part of a bid to take back what she felt was hers. This was a mark of great shame to the royal family, and the privileges that should have gone to Blackfire as the firstborn child were instead given to Starfire.

Unfortunately, Komand'r was born without the natural ability most Tamaraneans had to absorb ultraviolet light and harness it to fly. In the original New Teen Titans comics, Komand'r was the older sister of Koriand'r (AKA Starfire) and destined to be the Grand Ruler of the planet Tamaran.